Derek Clement RMT

Derek Clement RMT

Derek first discovered the benefits of massage therapy as a young gymnast. With an intense training RMTroutine, Derek experienced constant muscle soreness as well as acquiring his fair share of injuries along the way. He found that massage therapy allowed him continue to perform at optimal levels.

Post-gymnastics, Derek became a personal trainer and attended George Brown College (Fitness and Lifestyle management). As a trainer since 2010, he has noticed the impact that training has on a person’s health, fitness, aesthetics, well being and over-all attitude. Yet, he also learned that not everything can be fixed n the gym. This fact, combined with his own personal experience with massage motivated him to learn the science and art of massage therapy.

He attended Sutherland-Chan School of Massage Therapy and became a Registered Massage Therapist. Derek has experience working with a wide variety of people, both in the gym, and on the table. From new or old athletic injuries, tightness and soreness related to desk work, pre and post surgical preparation, and all ranges of care from the weekend warrior to pregnancy to senior care – Derek can help you get moving again.

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