Our Response to COVID-19 Virus

Our Response to COVID-19 Virus

As you are aware, there has been heightened awareness around the spread of COVID-19 virus prompting various organizations and governments to take action. We are doing our part to ensure a safe environment for our patients and neighbours. I would like to take a minute to share with you the precautions we are taking in the clinic.

  1. We would like to remind patients and staff that if they are feeling unwell, they need to reschedule their appointments until after they are feeling better. We will be relaxing our cancellation policies during this time to accommodate patients.
  2. Washing hands frequently and/or using hand sanitizers. Hand sanitizers are available in the reception for use. 
  3. We are using extra vigilance in sanitizing common surfaces and the rooms before and after patients.  
  4. We are asking patients about recent travel and if they have self quarantined as per provincial recommendations.

The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. 

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