Turning the Clocks Back and Community Acupuncture Announcement

Turning the Clocks Back and Community Acupuncture Announcement

Downtown Toronto Naturopath

Happy November!

Computer Fascial Stretch TherapyOver the weekend, upon turning the clocks back, I was so happy to have more beautiful sunlight in the morning but I felt so tired so early in the evening that I was sure it was 10pm when it was 7pm. I’m sure I am not the only one who felt this past weekend and will continue to feel this as my body adjusts. So, I decided to put together a few tips on how we can adjust to falling back into Standard Time – I hope they help!
This month I am finishing up another great term of teaching Anatomy & Physiology to a lovely new group of students and I am also continuing to assist in teaching Physical Medicine to some students I’ve known for a few years now.
Happily this does not affect my Toronto hours so if you would like to see me I am available Mondays & Wednesdays.

AcupunctureIn December I will be test driving a new model of acupuncture services called Community
  In this model, I will treat multiple people at staggered times in the same room. This allows me to decrease the charge per person and provide a nice relaxing atmosphere to enjoy acupncture. If this runs smoothly in December I am going to make it a more consistent part of my practice. Stay posted for updates!

As always, if you think this information could benefit someone you know, please feel free to pass it along!
A gentle reminder that November & December can book up quickly as most patients will have their insurance plans begin again in the New Year. So, if you would like to book an appointment to see me please do so as soon as you are able so I can accommodate your preferred time.
Have a great day,
Dr. Mary

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